Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Universe is a word derived from the old French “univers” which in turn comes from the Latin roots “unus” which means “one” and “versus” (a form of vertere) which means “to turn”. Physicists and scientists attempt and try to describe and unlock the secrets of the universe by developing many instruments and inventing useful equipment. The scientists and physicists come with many theorems and theories, but the currently accepted theory is the “big bang” or “the great explosion”. The universe expands during a rapid time of cosmic inflation and when it expands it becomes cooler and less dense. The distribution of mass in the universe forms many kinds of bodies and phenomena in it such as galaxies, solar systems, comets, stars, asteroids, black holes…and many others. The universe is made up of an unknown number of galaxies, the galaxies consist of certain number of stars and it differs from one galaxy to another. Some galaxies have many numbers of stars and others maybe have only one star. Galaxies have three main shapes: 1-oval galaxy: this shape is common between the galaxies.2-spiral galaxy: this galaxy is disk-like shape and has dusty tail in the end of it. 3-irregular or unusual galaxy and it known as peculiar galaxy and it doesn’t have affixed shape. Our galaxy is called the Milky Way galaxy and the nearest galaxy to us is the Andromeda.
As our body has a builder unit called a“gene”, the universe also has its own unit which is called a “solar system”. Each galaxy has its own solar system, so our Milky Way galaxy has a solar system which has the main center called the Sun. Nine planets revolve around it, and each planet has a number of moons that rotate around it. Of course our planet is the only one which has more life than the other planets because it’s located in a suitable place in the solar system. Also, each planet revolves around the sun in orbits and it does not move in front of or behind of it.

by Nawaf Mahmood from 301

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