Tuesday, November 27, 2007

My Life Story

I was born in 1989 in Saudi Arabia. In 1991, my family moved to the Republic of Yemen when I was two years old. I grew up in Aden. In 1994, I went to school. In June, 2007 I graduated from Aban Ben Afan Secondary School. Now I’m a student at AMIDEAST. I study English language there. I’d like to go to university to study medicine in 2008. After five years, in 2013 I’d like to graduate from the university. After graduation, I hope to work in a hospital. Then I’d like to get married and have three children. I hope to live happily ever after.

Bardis Abdullatif Abdo Ali
Level 104

My Life Story

I was born in Sana`a on the 23rd of May 1990, one day after the unity of Yemen. I grew up in Sana’a. I went to school when I was five years old. I studied many subjects in the Secondary School (Holy Quran, Islamia, English, Arabic, Math and Sciences). My childhood was great. I had some friends and we had a great time. In the vacations we played soccer and some popular games. I graduated from Ghanm School with excellent grades. Now, I’m a driver with my father and he gives me a salary at the end of the month. I want to be a pilot in the future. I’m going to get married in 2013. And if I get a job, I’m going to have children.

Raed Fadhl Nasser Al-Massery
Level 104

Friday, November 23, 2007

Banning Smoking in Public Places

Smoking is reckoned as a bad habit of a society. In my opinion, smoking in public places should be prohibited. There are many reasons that support this point of view, but today I want to concentrate on three persuasive reasons. One reason is that is harmful for non-smokers, another reason is that smoking is a cause of pollution, and a reason is that smokers have other ways to receive nicotine.

Firstly, smoking is harmful for non-smokers. Smokers should have the right to smoke, but it's not reasonable if that right is harmful to others. Obviously, if people smoke in public places, non-smokers have no choice but to become secondhand smokers. Don't non-smokers have the right to choose not to be secondhand smokers?

Secondly, smoking is a cause of pollution. There is a lot of research that shows that many kinds of gases that are released by smoking are harmful for the environment, such as tar and carbon dioxide. Everyone knows that now the environment is getting worse and worse. Do we want smoking to be another source of the problem ‘global warming’?

Lastly, smokers have other ways to receive nicotine. Nowadays, we have many ways to receive nicotine, such as nicotine gum and nicotine patches. Smokers can use these products instead of smoking. Do we really want people to smoke in public places instead of using these new products?

In conclusion, I want to say that there are no reasons left to permit smoking in public places, and I also think that maybe this is the time for people to quit smoking. Banning smoking is not just for us, but for this world and for everyone who has to live in this world after us.

Banning Smoking in Public Places

Smoking is reckoned as a bad habit of a society. In my opinion, smoking in public places should be prohibited. There are many reasons that support this point of view, but today I want to concentrate on three persuasive reasons. One reason is that is harmful for non-smokers, another reason is that smoking is a cause of pollution, and a reason is that smokers have other ways to receive nicotine.

Firstly, smoking is harmful for non-smokers. Smokers should have the right to smoke, but it's not reasonable if that right is harmful to others. Obviously, if people smoke in public places, non-smokers have no choice but to become secondhand smokers. Don't non-smokers have the right to choose not to be secondhand smokers?

Secondly, smoking is a cause of pollution. There is a lot of research that shows that many kinds of gases that are released by smoking are harmful for the environment, such as tar and carbon dioxide. Everyone knows that now the environment is getting worse and worse. Do we want smoking to be another source of the problem ‘global warming’?

Lastly, smokers have other ways to receive nicotine. Nowadays, we have many ways to receive nicotine, such as nicotine gum and nicotine patches. Smokers can use these products instead of smoking. Do we really want people to smoke in public places instead of using these new products?

In conclusion, I want to say that there are no reasons left to permit smoking in public places, and I also think that maybe this is the time for people to quit smoking. Banning smoking is not just for us, but for this world and for everyone who has to live in this world after us.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Paul Cezanne

Still life with ginger jar and eggplants, Paul Cezanne

Still life with kettle, Paul Cezanne

Vincent Van Gogh

Starry Night, Vincent Van Gogh

Portrait of Dr. Gachet, Vincent Van Gogh

Shoes, Vincent Van Gogh

Cornfield with Cypresses, Vincent Van Gogh

Jean Claude Monet

Saint Georges Majeur au crepusule, Monet

Water Lillies, Monet

Frida Kahlo

Two Fridas, By Frida Kahlo

Self Portrait Dedicated to Dr. Elosser

By Frida Kahlo, 1940

Moses, By Frida Kahlo, 1945
For More information:

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Banning Books

Censorship is a very controversial issue. There are many people who believe that some books and movies have a negative effect on society and therefore should be banned. Other people disagree with this, saying that we can't necessarily trust one group of people to decide what is right and what is wrong for people to read. In level 402, we wrote about this issue. Here are some students' opinions on the matter.

Banning Books
By Wafa Hassan

One day I was watching TV, I saw a programme about books. They were talking about the effects of books on people. They talked about a book its name is How to Be a Good Murderer. It shows a lot of bad things, and I thought they had to ban it. So I think banning books is a good thing, because some of them have bad ideas and wrong thoughts. Also, some of them encourage bad behaviors.

There are some books that have bad ideas. I don’t know why those people write these books. Maybe to sell their books with good profits. For example, I think we should ban the book How to Be a Good Murderer because it shows a lot of bad ideas like ways to kill someone and how to dispose of the body. Also it shows how to use different kinds of guns. If we don’t ban it, it will help to increase the number of crimes and criminals.

There are a lot of books about religion, but not all of them are good. There is a book about Islam. It has a wrong vision and it has wrong thoughts. It says that Islam is very hard and difficult, whereas it is very easy and simple. This is dangerous because people will be afraid of it and they will avoid it.

Some people write books to encourage others to do things that they want, because they have the power of persuasion. For example, there are some books that talk about drugs and how to use them. They also tell you that drugs make you feel good great and very active. Books like this will effect young people very easily and they will use drugs a lot although they are very dangerous and harmful. So for that we have to ban it.

Finally, I can say that banning books is a very good and useful way to protect people from such books. We can trust that it’s a good way to protect people because they are banned by experts who know what is right and what is wrong and they know what they are doing.
Banning Books
Bushra Khaled Own
All people know that the books have been very important in their lives. In all places in the world there are many people addicted to reading. Therefore, they must be careful when they choose their books. I believe that there are many books that have bad and wrong ideas. These ideas will effect upon people’s lives and make them bad. In this case I agree with banning books because it gives people keeping, protection and gives people information about books so that they can choose the best.
Banning books is really good. It can keep the behaviors in the good way. It makes our life more quiet and without harm because some books have some ideas about racism. Some books can teach children violent behaviors, so banning books saves children from that.
Banning books is protective. Some books have wrong ideas about our religion. So banning books protects our religion from that. It makes the parents more conveniently about what their children read because the immoral books were banned. That also makes the teenagers can read any books without feeling ashamed.

Banning books makes people more careful. We can see that when they will choose the books that they want to read because they have information about bad books. In that case people can know which books are non-original books. Some books are magical, so the people must be careful for them. People can fight the books that have dangerous traditional treatment because they become more carefully.

In the end, banning books is beneficial in general. It makes our life safer and convenient. I will be more careful when I go to choose which book I want to read. If we know which the wrong is or the correct we can ban the bad books by ourselves.

Banning Books is Wrong
By Waheeb Mohammed
I disagree with banning books. Anyone can ban them and he doesn't know the benefit of the book. And also he can ban the book to make people stupid and ignorant. And they can book about democracy.

They can ban books that have benefits that they don`t know about. People say that teenbooks have bad things, but sometimes they have good things. Also they say comics books are bad because they are unreal, however some say they are good ways to practice reading for children.

I think the government bans the book to make people stupid and ignorant. They can ban books about the new technology, inventions and books that have information about space. Also historical books that tell us about our grandfathers.

The books about democracy could be banned, too. For examble books that talk about waht the government has to do for people and their rights, so if they didn`t know about their rights, they wouldn`t ask for they. Also books that make people appreciate the sitution, to make people agree with the government.

Because of these reasons, I think there is no one who can ban any book. People read books can say if the book is good or bad and decide to read what they want and there is no one can punish them.
Banning Books
By Emad Salah
As a matter of fact I'm one of the supporters of the idea of banning books because it's a protection for our socity from the possible dangers that may come from some kinds of books. In my opinion, I think there are two main reasons that make banning books a very important step that we have made as we are in an Islamic country. So the first one is a religious reason and the second one is an ethical.

Many non-muslims writers try to deface Islam by writing wrong things about it and to effect on illiterate people so that they leave their religion.

The ethical danger comes directly after. Let's imagine that if we allowed all kinds of books and magazines- no matter whether it is good or bad - if we allowed them to enter our country, they would spread in the bookstores and who knows maybe someday you would find one of them in your younger brother and he reads such as trash things!!

In addition to the reasons that I've mentioned I think there are a lot others, but I think they are the most important. Finally, banning books is a great idea that we have to really appreciate it.

The News in Yemen

In level 402, we study about the news and we look at different sources of news. We thought it would be a fun and interesting activity to conduct surveys in Yemen to find out different things about people's habits and opinions regarding the news. Here are some results that we found:

Who Cares More about the News?
By Wafa Hassan

I did this survey to know the difference in the way of getting news between men and women. I want to know if there is a difference or if both of them care equally about the news. I predicted that men care about the news more than women. Also, I predicted that men and women use TV as a main source to get the news then the newspaper.

I asked a lot of people- nearly 68. Some of them were students in Amideast or in college and some of them were relatives and friends of different ages. Our questions were 3 simple questions: Where do you usually get the news? How often do you look at the news? Do you think the news is very impotent?

We asked 40 men and 28 women and I discovered that both of them care about the news; most of them said that it's very important. 25% of men get their news from the newspaper and 75% from TV. 46% of women get their news from the newspaper and 54% from TV. When I asked about time that they spent getting their news I discovered that there is a difference. 60% of men look at the news every day, 23% 3 days a week, 17% every weekend and 32% every day. For women, 68% look at the news every weekend and 32% every day.

I wasn’t surprised by the women. Maybe I didn’t think that they cared for the news that way, but as I predicted the men care more. However, I was surprised that a lot use the newspaper because I know few people in Yemen who like to read.
Who Cares More About the News?
By Bushra Kahlid Own
When I meet my friends we always talk about arts and fashion. However we don’t mention the news. My mother said that we are careless girls because we didn’t know that what happened in the world. At first I thought that all women didn’t care about news, but after my mother was talking with me I decided to make a survey to support my prediction. I also wanted to see if the main source to get news for men and women is the TV.
My survey consisted of four simple questions: What is your gender? Where do you usually get the news? How often do you look at news? Do you think news is very important for you? Each question had some different choices. I asked these questions in my neighborhood, at college and at Amideast. Our group asked 68 people total. I asked 28 people. Of our total, 40 of them were men and 28 were women.
I found these results from my survey. 25% of the men get their news from the newspaper. 75% gets their news from TV. 46% of women get their news from the newspaper and the rest get their news from TV. Most of men and women get their news every day. Both also said that news is very important in their life.
In conclusion, I was surprised from one part my prediction. I surprised that the women said that news is very important, so I was wrong. However I was correct when I thought that the main source to get news is the TV. I am happy because the women follow what happens in the world. I will try to get interested in watching news.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Carrots, Eggs and Coffee

Put three pots of water on fire. Put carrots in the first pot. Put eggs in the second pot. Put coffee in the third pot. Leave them on the fire for 15 minutes. The carrots were hard, but they are soft now. The eggs were soft, but they are hard now. The coffee disappeared. The water's smell becomes delicious.

Think about life.

  1. Life isn't always easy.
  2. Life isn't always comfortable.
  3. Sometimes, life is very difficult.

Things don’t happen as we like. We can't deal with some people as we like. Sometimes, we do our best, but we get bad results.

What will happen if we face some problems?

Think about the pots

Boiling water is like our problems in life. We can be like the carrots. We start powerfully and seriously. Then, we become weak.

We lose our hope and become tired. Then, there isn't any activity in the soul.

So don't be like the carrots!

We can be like eggs. We start with an affectionate heart. And we finish with a sinister heart. We don't love people around us, and we fight against them. We become evil. Then, there isn't any warm feeling or cooperation.

So, don't be like the eggs!

We can be like coffee. Water didn't change the coffee, but the coffee changed the water. The coffee makes the water different.

  1. Look at it.
  2. Smell it
  3. Drink it.

The hotter the water, the better the taste. We can make good things from the problems which we face. We learn new things. We get new knowledge, new abilities, and new skills. We grow with experience.

We can make a beautiful world around us .

  1. We should try and try to succeed.
  2. We should trust what we do.
  3. We shouldn't despair.
  4. We should be patient.
  5. We should continue our work.

Problems and difficulties give us a chance to be the best, the strongest, and united.

What should we be like in this life? Should we be like the carrots, the eggs, or the coffee?

Be like the coffee!

-Waddah Waddi, 202

A Page From My Diary

Somethings happen for us and change our life.This what happen with me I occasionally have a sore throat and I can talk difficultly. Some days ago I had a terrible sore throat. It was the worst one. It started like the last one, but the next day my condition got worse I cannot talk or showed my opinion when the others were talking. In that time I felt sad, but in another hand I talked with my self about speechless people – who were created without voice. How do they live? How do they show their opinion and join with the society? How do the society look for them? I was really sad. I know we are unkind with them. We do not try to understand them.

Maybe some people laugh or humiliate them. We are not fair with them.We have to do two things.First, we have to praise Allah who created us in a good health and gave us it. Second,we have to think about this faction of society and look for how can we help them. PLEASE THINK ABOUT MY WRITING.

-Sheema Murad, 202

Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Hijab

Hijab is one of the thing that Allah orders Muslims women to wear. The Hijab is a scarf that women put on their heads to cover their hair. It is very beautiful and comfortable. Two reasons that women wear Hijab are for Islam and protection.

Islam order all of Muslims women to wear it. That means every women should wear Hijab because Allah told them to do so in Quran. Therefore we are proud of Islam. We can’t imagine how we could live without it. Hijab is part of our life. When we wear it we feel very happy and more comfortable.

Hijab keeps the modesty and dignity. When women wear the Hijab to school or to work the man don’t have a chance to look at them. Both men and women (or boys and girls at school or university) can concentrate on their work instead of how they look.

- Liza, Marwa Mohammed, Level 202


A lot of people cannot forgive because they think their pain can not be repairable. It's harder to do and it's difficult to continue your life without it.

Why do you think that forgiveness a hard thing to do or to be asked for?

Forgiveness is an honest feeling and a true behavior that makes you forget the bad treating and the spit. Also it makes you heart clear without faults. Forgiveness doesn't mean surrender and give up your respect, but it's good for you to live comfortable and think about a better future.


There is nothing too bad that cannot be forgiven. Allah forgives us then why we don't?

-Mona Al Azani, level 202

Friday, April 13, 2007

A poem about Hitham

Hitham is very cute,

In the morning he eats fruit,

Teacher Sharifa loves him,

He is short and slim,

After class we usually dance,

Many things are in his plans.

By Rami Ahmed (level 104)

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Abaya

The Abaya is the general dress. It’s a dress which many Yemeni women wear whether they are married or single from different ages. It became very popular in a few years. Before that you barely see women wearing it. The Yemeni women like the Abaya because it is fashionable and important.

The abaya has many kinds and designs that are very beautiful and elegant. The designers create new ideas which make it more comfortable. The Abaya isn’t only black cover but it is a style going with modern designers not only in Yemen, but everywhere.

These days it is very important to wear it. It is important because it’s traditional clothing. The Yemeni women should wear the Abaya when they go outside. It makes the women feel safe and decent.

Written by: Noor, Sally, Suzan, Narsilya, Level 201


Universe is a word derived from the old French “univers” which in turn comes from the Latin roots “unus” which means “one” and “versus” (a form of vertere) which means “to turn”. Physicists and scientists attempt and try to describe and unlock the secrets of the universe by developing many instruments and inventing useful equipment. The scientists and physicists come with many theorems and theories, but the currently accepted theory is the “big bang” or “the great explosion”. The universe expands during a rapid time of cosmic inflation and when it expands it becomes cooler and less dense. The distribution of mass in the universe forms many kinds of bodies and phenomena in it such as galaxies, solar systems, comets, stars, asteroids, black holes…and many others. The universe is made up of an unknown number of galaxies, the galaxies consist of certain number of stars and it differs from one galaxy to another. Some galaxies have many numbers of stars and others maybe have only one star. Galaxies have three main shapes: 1-oval galaxy: this shape is common between the galaxies.2-spiral galaxy: this galaxy is disk-like shape and has dusty tail in the end of it. 3-irregular or unusual galaxy and it known as peculiar galaxy and it doesn’t have affixed shape. Our galaxy is called the Milky Way galaxy and the nearest galaxy to us is the Andromeda.
As our body has a builder unit called a“gene”, the universe also has its own unit which is called a “solar system”. Each galaxy has its own solar system, so our Milky Way galaxy has a solar system which has the main center called the Sun. Nine planets revolve around it, and each planet has a number of moons that rotate around it. Of course our planet is the only one which has more life than the other planets because it’s located in a suitable place in the solar system. Also, each planet revolves around the sun in orbits and it does not move in front of or behind of it.

by Nawaf Mahmood from 301

Abdul Al Halim Hafez

Abdul Al Halim Hafez was an Egyptian singer. He was born in 1929 in a small village called Alhlwat. His parents died a few months after his birth. He studied in the High Institute of Music.. He began to be a famous star at the time of the revolution of Egypt in 1952. He sang revolutionary songs, so it was said that he was the "Son of Revolution." He suffered from Bilharzia and that prevented him from acting more in Egyptian cinema. He did at least 12 movies in his life. The first movie was "Lhan Alwafa". The last movie was "Abe Fok Alsagra." Because he was a brilliant star there were many rumours around him but I think the strongest rumour in his life and after his death was his marriage to the actress Swad Hasny. Finally, the Arab nation lost the greatest singer in 1977 in London.
Wafa Ali Othman from 301

The Hope

There's always hope whatever the cause is! Don't ever be hopeless. But that comes with willpower and also patience. Just know what you want very well, then remember those 3 things, and work on it "Insha'a Allah" you'll get it. There's nothing impossible, just be optimistic.
Everyone has his or her ambitions and dreams, but the problem is they dont work for their ambitions or dreams. They only say, "I want that ,"or "I hope..". They should tire for that. One of the best experiences I've read about, is Brooke Ellison. That girl graduated from Harvard University, and she's quadriplegic.
She's really exemplary and I can't imagine how she felt when she took the degree of the university. I hope to meet her and listen to her speeches. I would say to her, "Congratulations! You did what some able people can't do." And I will "In sha'a Allah"...
When you have a hard situation, don't be afraid of that, just remember what I said.
Best wishes,
Mohammed Hadnah from 301

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Qat in Yemen

Qat is kind of trees which most people in Yemen chew. Qat has green leafs which the person chew. Most people in Yemen in different ages chew Qat. They always chew Qat it after lunch. Now some woman learned to chew it. However, it has some disadvantages and some advantages.

People think that Qat makes them energetic because it gives them strength to do anything at anytime and anywhere, but it is useful just for people who have Diabetes because it can deliver the blood from excess sugar.

Qat has a lot of disadvantages which people ignore. It causes some problems for the family because it requires on money and the father spend most of his time on it there fore he doesn’t have time to set with his family. Also, it injures the health and it causes insomnia, so it is a real problem in Yemeni people’s lives.
Written by: Aimen, Rasha, Adnan and Mehdi, Level 201

The Planet Venus

Nine planets orbit the sun. Venus is the second of the inner ones. It is 108,000,000 kilometers from the sun. It's diameter is about 12,100 kilometers. Ther are 225 days in a year on Venus. A day lasts 243 "Earth days". Venus' axis is not vertical. It is tilted at an angle of 2 degrees. Venus' average temperature is 480 degrees Centigrade. It's atmosphere consists of almost 100% carbon dioxide. It contains very little water vapor. There is no water or ice. The surface doesn't move. There is no life on Venus.
Written by: Salah level 301

My Vacation to Thailand

In 2001, I went on a vacation to Thailand with my best friend. We went to Thailand from Malaysia. We took a bus. The bus was very comfortable and the trip was very scenic. But, it was really long. When we arrived in Thailand we asked for Phuket Island. After that we took a bus to Phuket Island. The bus was uncomfortable and terrible. BUT THEN WE ARRIVED IN PHUKET... It was incredible, we had a really great time. The weather was perfect and it was sunny and warm. The first thing we did was look for a hotel. The hotel was pretty good. There was a pool table in the hotel, and we played a lot. I loved it. The next morning, we went to the beach. We had a really nice time. We enjoyed snorkeling and went scuba diving. It was the first time we tried it. It was so exciting. Most of the people there were from Europe. We played volleyball with some people on the beach. In the afternoon we took a rest. We ate our delicious and healthy meals and relaxed with a massage..... To be continued....
Written by: Ali Level 301

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The Famous City

In Yemen there is a lot of culture. One of the main roots of our culture is in the Hadramaut governorate. It is the most important place in the Arabian Peninsula. It is rich in history, architecture, and antiques. There are many beautiful cities in Hadramaut like; Almkla, Shibam, Alshar, and Seyun.
Amkla is the capital of Hadramaut. It is on the seashore. It has wonderful beaches and a very organized city. Shibam is an unusual city. It has unbelievable great and high buildings. They are castle-like connected clay buildings. They are called "skyscrapers" of the desert. Seyun is the biggest city where the Hadramaut valley is the widest. Alshr is an old historical city with natural hot springs. I hope that many people will come and visit Hadramaut.

Written by: Raja'a Level 301

Sunday, March 11, 2007


A typical Qat market outside Sana'a

Qat is a plant that is grown in Yemen. We can say that it is the most famous plant in Yemen. Ninety percent of Yemeni people chew Qat. They think that Qat gives them energy and power to do their work in a better way. Qat is a kind of stimulant like tea and coffee. But, it is more damaging than them. There are many people without jobs or with other problems in their lives. They are chewing Qat to make themselves feel better and forget their problems. They are also chewing Qat for fun with groups of friends. And, in the end we want to say that we want to avoid these bad habits by education and awareness.

Written by: Arzaq, Salah, Ayad, and Feras in Level 301

Friday, February 23, 2007


She is the best woman in the world. I love her so much. She teaches me how to be strong and believe in myself. She said nothing happens by chance in this life. Everything is destiny and a gift from God. Sometimes when I feel sad or hopeless, just watching her on TV gives me alot of hope. She always encourages me to be more strong and to work harder to get what I want. As she said, education is freedom. So I started learning English because she made me love this language. I am waiting for that day when I will understand her when she speaks without translation. I believe one day I will meet her and tell her how much I love her.

- Sam from 301

Thursday, February 1, 2007

The Safe Childhood Center

Amideast Institute had planned a trip to the safe childhood center, which take care of orphan's and homeless children, in that place we met a lot of them and did a lot with them.

When we arrived they recieved us by song's and joke's. They had beautiful voices and really we were moved by their songs which explain their sad life. After that, we played with them a lot of games and sports such as soccer, really they played better than us and they enjoyed spending time with us. Before we left, we milled around the center. We saw their bed's room, paints and their activities schedule.

At the end we promised them that we are going to come back soon because they becomes our friends and we felt how important parent's in life and we cheer them up to continue their life as any child in the world.

Written by: Magd Badr Nagi (Y.E.S), Nawaf Mahmood (Y.E.S), Khaldon Abdulrahman (Y.E.S), Ahd Muthana Saleh (Access), Mohammed Ahmed (Access), Galal Gamal Adbo Al Karim (Access), Mohammed Emad Sakran (Access)